Monday, September 16, 2013

Disney Girls

My sisters and I are HUMONGOUS Disney fans. Yea yea, I know I should have grown out of this quite some time ago.. but there is something about Disney that brings back all my favorite childhood moments, and I just can't let go of that happy glimmer of time. I'm pretty sure nobody except my sisters know and understand exactly my love for Disney. Pineapple dole-whips, staying until 2 am, riding the monorail when nobody else is around, trekking through the parks in September when all the tourists have finally left.
Anyway, over the break when I was feeling extra creative, I decided to make some Princess themed silhouettes, coupled with their autographs from the parks. My goal was to get these printed for my sisters and I. You see, ever since we were little we've always sort of had our own designated princess. These were made from scratch in illustrator, and took quite some time to find each autograph and recreate it.

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